
We wish to extend a warm welcome to you! Whether you are new to Braham or new to our church, we’d love to meet you!

“For God did not send His Son
into the world to condemn the world,
but in order that the world
might be saved through Him.”   
JOHN 3:17



9:00 am Children’s Sunday School, Confirmation and Adult Bible Study

10:00 am Worship Service – Pastor Jake King is teaching on the book of Hebrews.

Coming up! ...

Celebrating 40 years of life!
We rejoice at this accomplishment and invite you to partner with us during our Baby Botte Campaign in reflection of Sanctity of Human Life. This is an intentional way for families and the faith community to become better educated on the issues, while furthering our mission of bringing compassion, help, and hope to those in need.

Your gift all us us to provide invaluable services, without the help of the government funding. Some FREE services we provide are:
*Pregnancy testing *Limited OB ultrasound *Pregnancy options counseling *STI testing and treatment *Parenting education programs
*Spiritual support. PICK UP YOUR BOTTLE AT CHURCH.
Collection Window" January 19 - February 23